Principal's Message

We all know that by holistic education we mean an intrinsic reverence for life and a passionate love of learning. If we focus on the major components of the National Education policy, they are innovative, creativity and critical thinking. The whole pedagogical framework of the new education policy revolves around these components. Also, the universalization of early childhood curriculum is a new stepping stone towards a new era of education.

At THE MILLENNIUM SCHOOL we not only believe in the wonderful concept of the Multiple Intelligence Theory but we also ensure that basic numeracy and literacy is attained by our young learners through experiential learning. As the students move towards primary level they are made ready for various challenges in form of academics and other domains.

Life- skills, too, are an integral part of our holistic curriculum. Through various activities, we ensure that our dear children are able to identify their strengths and are ready to face life with courage, clarity and determination.

Through a multi- disciplinary approach and integration of technology in teaching pedagogy, we are sure to bring amazing outputs.

There is an increased emphasis on preparing global citizens to face a highly competitive world paving way for excellence, expansion and inclusion. It has been said that

Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think!

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